25.11.17 02:33
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01837701
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00427833
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.14730599
引き出し済み(BTC) 1.20937484
【Best Mining Pool Settings for Hashflare (updated daily)】
87日目収益 0.01245029 BTC (トータル収益 1.34258215 BTC)
24.11.17 02:33
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01682879
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.0043785
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.13320731
引き出し済み(BTC) 1.20937484
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01682879
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.0043785
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.13320731
引き出し済み(BTC) 1.20937484
Best Mining Pool Settings for Hashflare 2017.11.24
【Best Mining Pool Settings for Hashflare (updated daily)】https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15W5EuyMo7zO4SxysxmRUp3NT7nKoyyI99rZAeRBKbyY/edit?usp=sharing
86日目収益 0.01463211 BTC (トータル収益 1.33013186 BTC)
23.11.17 02:36
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01888568
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00425357
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.12075702
引き出し済み(BTC) 1.20937484
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01888568
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00425357
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.12075702
引き出し済み(BTC) 1.20937484
85日目収益 0.01390238 BTC (トータル収益 1.31549975 BTC)
22.11.17 02:32
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01824198
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.0043396
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.10612491
引き出し済み(BTC) 1.20937484
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01824198
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.0043396
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.10612491
引き出し済み(BTC) 1.20937484
84日目収益 0.01479611 BTC (トータル収益 1.30338701 BTC)
21.11.17 00:09
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01909585
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00429974
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.09401217
引き出し済み(BTC) 1.20937484
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01909585
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00429974
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.09401217
引き出し済み(BTC) 1.20937484
83日目収益 0.01497042 BTC (トータル収益 1.2885909 BTC)
20.11.17 02:37
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01933163
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00436121
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.07921606
引き出し済み(BTC) 1.20937484
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01933163
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00436121
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.07921606
引き出し済み(BTC) 1.20937484
82日目収益 0.01265194 BTC (トータル収益 1.27362048 BTC)
19.11.17 02:28
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01716455
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00451261
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.06424564
引き出し済み(BTC) 1.20937484
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01716455
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00451261
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.06424564
引き出し済み(BTC) 1.20937484
81日目収益 0.01263102 BTC (トータル収益 1.26096854 BTC)
18.11.17 02:30
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01719415
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00456313
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.0515937
引き出し済み(BTC) 1.20937484
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01719415
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00456313
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.0515937
引き出し済み(BTC) 1.20937484
80日目収益 0.01258684 BTC (トータル収益 1.24833752 BTC)
17.11.17 02:29
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01704796
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00446112
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.03896268
引き出し済み(BTC) 1.20937484
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01704796
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00446112
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.03896268
引き出し済み(BTC) 1.20937484
79日目収益 0.01347889 BTC (トータル収益 1.23575068 BTC)
16.11.17 02:26
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01827678
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00479789
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.02637584
引き出し済み(BTC) 1.20937484
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01827678
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00479789
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.02637584
引き出し済み(BTC) 1.20937484
Best mining pool setting for Hashflare ( BTCChina and F2pool atm )
BTCChina and F2pool are keeping the best payout this week.
Especially, BTCchina had never been the 1st place since Oct., so I wonder how long it can hold this status.
78日目収益 0.01289695 BTC (トータル収益 1.22227179 BTC)
15.11.17 02:26
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.0181935
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00529655
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.01289695
引き出し済み(BTC) 1.20937484
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.0181935
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00529655
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.01289695
引き出し済み(BTC) 1.20937484
77日目収益 0.01370907 BTC (トータル収益 1.20937484 BTC)
14.11.17 02:35
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01905958
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00535051
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.27758307
引き出し済み(BTC) 0.93179177
「引き出し 14.11.17 06:56 0.27698307 BTC」
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01905958
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00535051
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.27758307
引き出し済み(BTC) 0.93179177
「引き出し 14.11.17 06:56 0.27698307 BTC」
76日目収益 0.01125673 BTC (トータル収益 1.19566577 BTC)
13.11.17 02:39
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01722747
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00597074
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.263874
引き出し済み(BTC) 0.93179177
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01722747
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00597074
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.263874
引き出し済み(BTC) 0.93179177
BTC vs BCH / Decrease of Hashrate affects the best setting of mining pool?
Yesterday, many of the miner moved hashrate BTC to BCH.
And suddenly Slush pool payout went down to 5th place, the worst setting of mining pool. Looks like the miners of another pool moved to BCH than Slush pool.
Now let's see what's gonna happen today's payout!
【Best Mining Pool Settings for Hashflare (updated daily)】 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15W5EuyMo7zO4SxysxmRUp3NT7nKoyyI99rZAeRBKbyY/edit?usp=sharing
And suddenly Slush pool payout went down to 5th place, the worst setting of mining pool. Looks like the miners of another pool moved to BCH than Slush pool.
Now let's see what's gonna happen today's payout!
【Best Mining Pool Settings for Hashflare (updated daily)】 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15W5EuyMo7zO4SxysxmRUp3NT7nKoyyI99rZAeRBKbyY/edit?usp=sharing
75日目収益 0.01316317 BTC (トータル収益 1.18440904 BTC) Slush pool 収益減少のためプール変更しました!
12.11.17 02:38
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01870555
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00554238
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.25261727
引き出し済み(BTC) 0.93179177
Updated SHA-256 pool allocation 12.11.17 05:47
Slush pool 100% → BTCchina 50% & F2pool 50%
74日目収益 0.01136009 BTC (トータル収益 1.17124587 BTC) 収益減少、ビットコイン価格も暴落
11.11.17 02:32
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01668234
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00532225
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.2394541
引き出し済み(BTC) 0.93179177
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01668234
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00532225
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.2394541
引き出し済み(BTC) 0.93179177
Genesis Mining started Pre-order now!
Genesis Mining started Pre-order. I'm sure it'll be sold out soon, so if you want to be cloudminer this time, you'd better hurry!
You can buy hushpower with 3% disscount with this code
" vo3Px4 "
You can buy hushpower with 3% disscount with this code
" vo3Px4 "
ジェネシスマイニング プレオーダー再開!
「 vo3Px4 」
73日目収益 0.01347405 BTC (トータル収益 1.15988578 BTC) 収益0.013BTC台に回復!
10.11.17 02:24
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01837797
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00490392
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01837797
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00490392
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.22809401
引き出し済み(BTC) 0.93179177
Hydrominer 買っちゃいました
Hashflareが1年限りの契約変更になったため他のクラウドマイニングの会社を探していたのですが、Hydrominer ( https://www.hydrominer.org/ )に、13000ドルくらい(40 ETH)また投資しちゃいました・・・。これでまた元本回収の日が遠のきました・・・。
72日目収益 0.01159004 BTC (トータル収益 1.14641173 BTC)
09.11.17 02:23
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01628772
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00469768
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.21461996
引き出し済み(BTC) 0.93179177
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01628772
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00469768
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.21461996
引き出し済み(BTC) 0.93179177
71日目収益 0.01299235 BTC (トータル収益 1.13482169 BTC)
08.11.17 02:22
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01792027
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00492792
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.20302992
引き出し済み(BTC) 0.93179177
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01792027
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00492792
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.20302992
引き出し済み(BTC) 0.93179177
70日目収益 0.01363932 BTC (トータル収益 1.12182934 BTC) payout、多少回復
BTC per 1TH/s | Antpool | BTCChina | BW .com | F2pool | Slush |
2017.11.1 | 0.00016961 | 0.000167 | 0.000165 | 0.000161 | 0.00017 |
2017.11.2 | 0.000171 | 0.000168 | 0.000166 | 0.000162 | 0.00017037 |
2017.11.3 | 0.000178 | 0.000175 | 0.000173 | 0.000169 | 0.00017748 |
2017.11.4 | 0.000164 | 0.000161 | 0.000159 | 0.000156 | 0.00017670 |
2017.11.5 | 0.000171 | 0.000169 | 0.000167 | 0.000163 | 0.00017127 |
2017.11.6 | 0.000166 | 0.000163 | 0.000161 | 0.000158 | 0.00016591 |
2017.11.7 | 0.000186 | 0.000183 | 0.000181 | 0.000177 | 0.00018636 |
07.11.17 02:23
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01866988
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00503056
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.19003757
引き出し済み(BTC) 0.93179177
Best Mining Pool Settings for Hashflare (Nov. 6th)
Best Mining Pool Settings for Hashflare
| 1st | 2nd | |||
BTC per 1TH/s | Antpool | BTCChina | BW .com | F2pool | Slush |
2017.11.1 | 0.00016961 | 0.000167 | 0.000165 | 0.000161 | 0.00017 |
2017.11.2 | 0.000171 | 0.000168 | 0.000166 | 0.000162 | 0.00017037 |
2017.11.3 | 0.000178 | 0.000175 | 0.000173 | 0.000169 | 0.00017748 |
2017.11.4 | 0.000164 | 0.000161 | 0.000159 | 0.000156 | 0.00017670 |
2017.11.5 | 0.000171 | 0.000169 | 0.000167 | 0.000163 | 0.00017127 |
2017.11.6 | 0.000166 | 0.000163 | 0.000161 | 0.000158 | 0.00016591 |
69日目収益 0.01186225 BTC (トータル収益 1.10819002 BTC)
06.11.17 03:01
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01662108
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00475883
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.17639825
引き出し済み(BTC) 0.93179177
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01662108
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00475883
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.17639825
引き出し済み(BTC) 0.93179177
On Nov 4th, something must have happened on Antpool
This week's payout list.
BTC per 1TH/s | Antpool | BTCChina | BW .com | F2pool | Slush |
2017.10.30 | 0.00018225 | 0.000179 | 0.000177 | 0.000173 | 0.000182 |
2017.10.31 | 0.00018175 | 0.000179 | 0.000177 | 0.000173 | 0.000182 |
2017.11.1 | 0.00016961 | 0.000167 | 0.000165 | 0.000161 | 0.00017 |
2017.11.2 | 0.000171 | 0.000168 | 0.000166 | 0.000162 | 0.00017037 |
2017.11.3 | 0.000178 | 0.000175 | 0.000173 | 0.000169 | 0.00017748 |
2017.11.4 | 0.000164 | 0.000161 | 0.000159 | 0.000156 | 0.00017670 |
2017.11.5 | 0.000171 | 0.000169 | 0.000167 | 0.000163 | 0.00017127 |
On Nov 4th, something must have happened on Antpool. Usually the payout of Antpool is about the same as Slush pool, but only on that day, payout drop down so badly. That's the day they are under maintenance, so something might have influenced about it.
68日目収益 0.01240893 BTC (トータル収益 1.09632777 BTC)
05.11.17 03:16
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01715805
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00474912
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.164536
引き出し済み(BTC) 0.93179177
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01715805
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00474912
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.164536
引き出し済み(BTC) 0.93179177
Hydrominer, scam or clean?
There is hundreds of ICO going on right now, and some of them related to cloudmining as Hashflare.
I still remember when I started investing to Hashflare, not so long time ago though.
Many of..., I would say "most" of the cloudmining project is scam! Once you payed your money or bitcoin or ETH, they dissapear.
Before investing, of cource you have to research each project very very carefully, read all the whitepaper and go through all the info floating web world. But when it comes to the final decision, you have to believe your "instinct". At least Hashflare is still keeping payout, and I got almost 50% bitcoin back in less than 3 month, so my instinct is no so bad, I think.
My biggest interest right now is "Hydromininer" ( https://www.hydrominer.org/ ). It's a cloudmining project using eco friendly water power in Austria, undergoing ICO right now.
You can see all the info at their site, so I don't white it here (I believe you always have to check "data" directly at original site). What I'd like to white here is "why I or my instinct believe their project".
ICO project can give you wonderful infomation, how profittable their project is..., why you can trust them..., great pictures, and so on. And once again, when ICO end, they are gone. They can say anything, because it scam and can make up all the false infomation.
When I see Hydrominer project, you can easily find many aspect "not so attractive". That where my instinct tells me "this is a true project and they are planing to really mining".
Here is the reason I'd say Hydrominer is not scam.
<ROI is not so high>
Their currently yearly ROI is 60%, which means you have to wait 1 year and 8 months to get your money back. It's much better than keeping money in the bank but now a days most of the ICO give you the info like "you can get your money back in two months" (which is totally false info, scam!!!), so comparing to that, Hydrominer offers much less profit. But think again, if it's scam, why not give us much higher ROI instead of so modest number(60%). The most important thing is their sincerelity. And if you invest while they are doing Taken sale ICO, you can get a little bit more bonus, so actually yearly ROI is not 60%, a little bit more.
<They are showing not only beauty pictures, but the true pictures>
In the HydroMiner Tour Video on youtube ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nc9cxWnp30o ), you can see how they are working. The point is "it's not fixed". If it's a fixed room, just to show the fake room to convince you to believe their project, they can just put all the mining machine on the shelves nicely, no need to show bycicle or messy cables.
<You invest for electricity power, not hashpower>
If you invest One H2O, you can get 5kwH of mining performance for 2 years,not like buying hash rates, it ensures that your mining contracts will go on to perform good level, because if you invest hashrate it goes priceless within e year, but electricity power doesn't.
<You can sell H2O token in exchange market>
When the ICO finish, you can start selling H2O token in exchange market. You can get token sale bonus, so even if the price of ETH goes down (until 20%), the price of H2O coin maintain the same value as you invested. If the price of ETH goes up, you can get even more value added.
<videos, tours and whitepaper>
Furthermore, they are showing all the info to ensure future plans in whitepaper, and many people uploading videos of plant tours and interview.
They start giving payout on February, let's wait and see if my instinct telling the truth or not. Do you want to join us? ICO ends on NOV 15 2017, 10:00 UTC.
Hydrominer ICO token sale
I still remember when I started investing to Hashflare, not so long time ago though.
Many of..., I would say "most" of the cloudmining project is scam! Once you payed your money or bitcoin or ETH, they dissapear.
Before investing, of cource you have to research each project very very carefully, read all the whitepaper and go through all the info floating web world. But when it comes to the final decision, you have to believe your "instinct". At least Hashflare is still keeping payout, and I got almost 50% bitcoin back in less than 3 month, so my instinct is no so bad, I think.
My biggest interest right now is "Hydromininer" ( https://www.hydrominer.org/ ). It's a cloudmining project using eco friendly water power in Austria, undergoing ICO right now.
You can see all the info at their site, so I don't white it here (I believe you always have to check "data" directly at original site). What I'd like to white here is "why I or my instinct believe their project".
ICO project can give you wonderful infomation, how profittable their project is..., why you can trust them..., great pictures, and so on. And once again, when ICO end, they are gone. They can say anything, because it scam and can make up all the false infomation.
When I see Hydrominer project, you can easily find many aspect "not so attractive". That where my instinct tells me "this is a true project and they are planing to really mining".
Here is the reason I'd say Hydrominer is not scam.
<ROI is not so high>
<They are showing not only beauty pictures, but the true pictures>
In the HydroMiner Tour Video on youtube ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nc9cxWnp30o ), you can see how they are working. The point is "it's not fixed". If it's a fixed room, just to show the fake room to convince you to believe their project, they can just put all the mining machine on the shelves nicely, no need to show bycicle or messy cables.
<You invest for electricity power, not hashpower>
If you invest One H2O, you can get 5kwH of mining performance for 2 years,not like buying hash rates, it ensures that your mining contracts will go on to perform good level, because if you invest hashrate it goes priceless within e year, but electricity power doesn't.
<You can sell H2O token in exchange market>
When the ICO finish, you can start selling H2O token in exchange market. You can get token sale bonus, so even if the price of ETH goes down (until 20%), the price of H2O coin maintain the same value as you invested. If the price of ETH goes up, you can get even more value added.
<videos, tours and whitepaper>
Furthermore, they are showing all the info to ensure future plans in whitepaper, and many people uploading videos of plant tours and interview.
They start giving payout on February, let's wait and see if my instinct telling the truth or not. Do you want to join us? ICO ends on NOV 15 2017, 10:00 UTC.
Hydrominer ICO token sale
Hashflare is back, but ...
Seems like Hashflare finished maintenance.
You can get in the site with I.E. but not with Chrome.
As always reCAPTCHA doesn's show up.
You can get in the site with I.E. but not with Chrome.
As always reCAPTCHA doesn's show up.
67日目収益 0.01293319 BTC (トータル収益 1.08391884 BTC)
04.11.17 00:09
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01770224
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00476905
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.15212707
引き出し済み(BTC) 0.93179177
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01770224
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00476905
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.15212707
引き出し済み(BTC) 0.93179177
Hashflare finished maintenance, but ....
Hashflare finished maintenance, but not payed out yet today.
Hashflare is under maintenance. ハッシュフレア、メンテナンス中
As the workload required to complete the update is significantly higher than anticipated, the maintenance will continue until tomorrow, 04.11.2017 13:00 UTC.
While this maintenance affects the website, the mining remains fully operational. The payouts will be credited in full. We apologize for any inconveniences.
As the workload required to complete the update is significantly higher than anticipated, the maintenance will continue until tomorrow, 04.11.2017 13:00 UTC.
While this maintenance affects the website, the mining remains fully operational. The payouts will be credited in full. We apologize for any inconveniences.
66日目収益 0.0127921 BTC (トータル収益 1.07098565 BTC)
03.11.17 03:13
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01777972
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00498762
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.13919388
引き出し済み(BTC) 0.93179177
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01777972
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00498762
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.13919388
引き出し済み(BTC) 0.93179177
65日目収益 0.01187149 BTC (トータル収益 1.05819355 BTC)
02.11.17 03:03
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01706796
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00519647
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.12640178
引き出し済み(BTC) 0.93179177
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01706796
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00519647
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.12640178
引き出し済み(BTC) 0.93179177
64日目収益 0.01152218 BTC (トータル収益 1.04632206 BTC) マイニングプール変更 antpool → slush100 %
01.11.17 03:07
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01699142
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00546924
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.11453029
引き出し済み(BTC) 0.93179177
マイニングプール変更しました。 antpool → slush100 %
"Updated SHA-256 pool allocation 01.11.17 05:17"
念のためSlush 100%に変更してみました。
SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01699142
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00546924
ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.11453029
引き出し済み(BTC) 0.93179177
マイニングプール変更しました。 antpool → slush100 %
BTC per 1TH/s | Antpool | BTCChina | BW .com | F2pool | Slush |
2017.10.29 | 0.00018157 | 0.000179 | 0.000177 | 0.000173 | 0.000182 |
2017.10.30 | 0.00018225 | 0.000179 | 0.000177 | 0.000173 | 0.000182 |
2017.10.31 | 0.00018175 | 0.000179 | 0.000177 | 0.000173 | 0.000182 |
2017.11.1 | 0.00016961 | 0.000167 | 0.000165 | 0.000161 | 0.00017 |
"Updated SHA-256 pool allocation 01.11.17 05:17"
念のためSlush 100%に変更してみました。
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【Best Mining Pool Settings for Hashflare (updated daily)】 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15W5EuyMo7zO4SxysxmRUp3NT7nKoyyI99rZAeRB...
25.11.17 02:33 SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01837701 SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00427833 ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC) 0.14730599 引き出し済み(BTC) 1.20...
Best Mining Pool Settings for Hashflare (updated daily) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15W5EuyMo7zO4SxysxmRUp3NT7nKoyyI99rZAeRBKbyY...