【Best Mining Pool Settings for Hashflare (updated daily)】 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15W5EuyMo7zO4SxysxmRUp3NT7nKoyyI99rZAeRBKbyY/edit?usp=sharing


86日目収益 0.01463211 BTC (トータル収益 1.33013186 BTC)

23.11.17 02:36

SHA-256 payout (BTC) 0.01888568
SHA-256 maintenance (BTC) 0.00425357

ハッシュフレア内残高 (BTC)  0.12075702
引き出し済み(BTC) 1.20937484

2 件のコメント:

  1. Hi, I'm following your blog doing something similar but on a very small scale since I do not have your capital. I have seen that in Hashflare the Mh of X11 is at 80% discount, I have about 10 $ in btc that I have been able to inflate through exchange, would it be worthwhile to buy these packages[when btc up to 8,3K$]? Thinking that in the future I will buy more harshrate from x11

    1. I wouldn't invest on X11. I haven't invested on X11, so it's not my experience but it is said even if it gets 75% off, still it's not profittable.


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